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It’s Right Time To Choose Plantable Wedding Cards

The world is taking a sharp turn in most of its phases. The most impactful and repercussive change that has put all our lives in jeopardy is climate change. With several activists, such as Greta Thunberg, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc. coming up and making the world aware of the imminent danger, there is a sheer need for the people to bring about a change in their daily practices to cumulate to a more significant difference. The practice of using biodegradable and eco-friendly products in our everyday life can initiate this change.

Weddings have always been an integral part of our culture. With all the societal agendas, the environment is often subverted. This can be reduced by bringing small changes in traditions, and one of the initial steps could be using plantable wedding cards. It is a fact that wedding cards hold no value after the wedding, but these thick paper cards incur massive damage to the environment.

What are plantable wedding cards?

Plantable wedding cards can compensate for all the anti-environment cultures of a wedding.

Be it the noisy celebration or polluting crackers, plantable wedding cards can cover up for most of it. 

They are made using plantable seed papers, which are the perfect solution to non-biodegradable papers we use in our daily life. Plantable seed papers are papers with seeds sprinkled over it and can be grown as a plant.

Perks of using plantable wedding cards

An average Indian wedding hosts 700-900 guests. It means the same number of cards are printed for each wedding that consequently results in the deforestation of a countless number of trees. A plantable wedding card is a measure to cut down the repercussions with no change in our requirements.

Wedding cards in India play a pivotal role in providing a template for the wedding. They are one of the determining factors of the extent and expense of marriages. Using a plantable seed wedding card can attract more guests to the wedding as it is a different and eco-friendly practice. 

Moreover, the plantable seed paper used in making a plantable wedding card has seeds embedded in it. As peculiar as it seems, it is accurate and one of the best measures of saving the environment from the freefall it is experiencing now.

How does plantable seed paperwork?

A plantable seed paper can be used to grow a real plant with it. It requires one to follow the mentioned steps to use the paper as a plant:

  • Put the paper in water for overnight or 2-3 days.
  • Let the seeds be imbibed with water and swelled.
  • Cut the seeds from the paper and place it in soil (Approximately 1 cm deep)
  • Hydrate it every day with sufficient sunlight.
  • Considering the season, you’ll see a sapling and gradually, an exotic plant.

How prevalent are plantable wedding cards?

As new, the concept seems to everyone; it is being accepted by the mass. It is becoming the truth of the paper industry, not only in wedding cards

Everyone is concerned with the ecological disbalance that costs thousands of lives every year, and if there is a measure that can be adopted to reduce this number, people are more than ready to accept it. 

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